Christopher, London

Christopher is a London based lawyer but regularly travels to visit family in Castlederg. He has 3 children. Christopher made the switch to an Electric Vehicle within the last year and is currently driving a Skoda Enyaq iv60 which he describes as excellent, a good size for a family car and a good driving range.

His average journey is between 30 & 50 miles but travelling regularly between London and Castlederg he covers a distance of 400+ miles each way.

Environmental benefits and technology were motivating factors in Christopher becoming an Electric Vehicle driver and he also lists the running cost savings as one of the key benefits.

Asked what he considered to be the challenges associated with electric vehicle ownership, Christopher reflected that the existing charging infrastructure in Northern Ireland is very poor. Many of the existing charging points are out of order and significant investment is needed to increase the number of fast (50kw+) chargers, to repair existing chargers and to increase the geographic spread of charging points, especially in the west.

Christopher would encourage anyone considering an electric vehicle to go for it, but in Northern Ireland a home charger is absolutely essential.